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Image by Jared Rice


Perhaps one of the most powerful practices that you will ever do.

Meditation by the Sea

What meditation is:

Meditation is simply being in awareness.  It is a practice in which you learn how to become present, a neutral observer of your own self.

Buddha Statue

What meditation is NOT:

Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts.  It is not about controlling your emotions.  It is not even about feeling 'peaceful'. 

Dandelion Parachute Seed

How do I know where to start?

Initially, it really helps to have some guidance.  I can teach you not only why we meditate, but how to meditate.  You will receive simple yet effective instruction and videos to get your practice started on the right foot.

I help clear the path to your own
source of peace, joy, and wholeness.

Susan Meymand Logo.png
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